Introducing a New CTL Newsletter Column: Dear Sherry

Introducing a New CTL Newsletter Column: Dear Sherry

New to the CTL Newsletter in 2023 is Dear Sherry, a column where Instructional Technology Specialist Sherry Trier will field questions on educational technology, accessibility and course design. À la Dear Abby or Ask Ann Landers, Sherry will respect the anonymity of...
Spring #RUMoodleReady? We’re Ready for You!

Spring #RUMoodleReady? We’re Ready for You!

After a holiday break of eating and celebrating and forgetting responsibilities, the reality of spring semester can hit like a Looney Tunes brick wall. But with Ed Tech’s help, you can be the Roadrunner and not Wile E. Coyote. While we might not be able to help...
Wish Dennis Well

Wish Dennis Well

Use the comment feature at the bottom of the screen to send Dennis a retirement message.
Moodle Minute(s) E24: Microsoft Word vs. Google Docs in Moodle

Moodle Minute(s) E24: Microsoft Word vs. Google Docs in Moodle

This week’s tutorial discusses the difference between using Microsoft Word and Google Docs in your Moodle course shells. While both formats work perfectly fine for sharing course content with students, this tutorial reveals just how much quicker and smoother Google...