Social Responsibility General Education Outcome

Social Responsibility General Education Outcome

As of Nov. 28, NMC has a new General Education Outcome (GEO). This outcome was researched, drafted, and piloted over the past few years and approved by Faculty Council, Curriculum Committee, Policy Council and President Nissley this fall. Faculty whose courses support...
Moodle News and Important Dates for Spring 2024

Moodle News and Important Dates for Spring 2024

ED TECH NEWS: MOODLE 4.2: Our team has begun testing Moodle version 4.2, which will be deployed during winter break. Version 4.2 has some great new features, but is nowhere near as large a change as what we experienced this fall. Among the most...
Holiday Movie Madness Final Four!

Holiday Movie Madness Final Four!

Vote for your favorite Holiday Film in both brackets, Classics and Comedy! The winner of each contest will go head-to-head for our final newsletter of the year!      ...
Learning Communities Coming for January PD!

Learning Communities Coming for January PD!

Watch your email for important information coming soon on January PD. Here’s a teaser: After lunch on Jan. 8, you will be invited to join one of a dozen Learning Communities for discussion-based learning, exploration, and brainstorming on topics ranging from LGBTQ+...
Friends and Fitness Featured at Dec. 1 Friday Forum

Friends and Fitness Featured at Dec. 1 Friday Forum

Join us this Friday for our Friends and Fitness special edition Friday Forum. Our program features YOUR CHOICE of a guided history walk, Zumba and yoga, or a workout in the North Hall Fitness Center. Exercise supports your brain as well as your body, and we all can...