Starting Strong: The First Five Minutes of Class

Starting Strong: The First Five Minutes of Class

This summer I read a book called Small Teaching by James M. Lang. Even though I have been teaching for 28 years (gasp!), have a Masters degree in Education and secondary school teaching certification, I learned a ton from this book. I thought maybe I would dedicate...
Stay The Course

Stay The Course

There is always a risk when you try something new. Humans are typically resistant to change, even when that change is for the better. I tell my students about the time I participated in a taste test at a mall years ago. It was between Diet Pepsi and Diet Coke. I am a...
5 Places at Once

5 Places at Once

As I have progressed in my career I have been given more and more responsibility. Sometimes I feel like I have to be in 5 places at once. I’m sure we all have been there, Students balancing classes maybe having a job and maybe family too. Instructors having the...
My Cadillac Floats

My Cadillac Floats

I pulled my Cadillac out of the lake last night. Without the proper context, that would seem like a drastic way to start a conversation.  My Cadillac is a 1950’s boat, made by Cadillac, which includes the classic scrolling Cadillac logo.  It is a massive boat, and on...