As we come into the end of the semester, you are likely seeing students who are falling victim to poor study skills, a lack of motivation, a negative mindset, and/or bad time management. Luckily, we have just the solution for them–EDU100 College Success!
This class is all about how to excel at college–one of the students this semester called the class “a game changer.” Another said, “This class gave me back my confidence,” and another said, “I think every student should be required to take this class.” The class is a mix of practical tips and brain science–all with the goal of helping students be more successful in school and in life. 
The class is two credits and will meet this spring M/W or T/TH from 1:00-2:30. As an added bonus, it is a 10-week class so it ends right before spring break; so just as their other classes get especially busy, this class ends, and they can finish the semester strong with new knowledge and some extra time in their schedule. Click here for more information.