Here’s how you can check your eLearning (Moodle) course for accessibility using the WAVE add-on for Mozilla Firefox.

In Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Select Tools.

  2. Select Add-ons.

  3. Select Search – Available Add-ons.

  4. Search for WAVE Toolbar.

* Select see all ### results at the bottom of the screen.

  1. Select WAVE Toolbar, + Add to Firefox.The select +Add to Firefox button is located to the far right of the WAVE Toolbar option.

  2. Select Install Now.

  3. Restart Firefox (close and open the browser).

  4. The WAVE toolbar should be added to your browser.


In NMC eLearning (Moodle):

  1. Log into Moodle.

  2. Open the course you would like to check.

  3. Select the Error, Features, and Alerts button in your WAVE toolbar.

  4. Hover over the symbols to see where your errors, features, or alerts are, and for more information on the alert.



 You can also use your WAVE toolbar to check:

  • The structure and order.
  • See a text only version of your page.
  • See an outline of your course.

Fix your errors:

Typical errors include missing image tags and empty/mis-ordered heading tags. Watch for more tools and tips on Accessibility!