Faculty interested in applying for sabbatical leave for next year should begin the process now. Although applications are due in January, the application process requires numerous approvals and recommendations. Faculty should begin conversations with their chairs soon. 

CIE administers two traditional sabbatical programs:

  • One semester @ full paid.
  • Two semesters @ half of base pay. 

These sabbaticals provide faculty with the opportunity to step away from teaching for a period of time in order to learn and experiment in ways that benefit their personal professional development and the college community. CIE also funds PD conference expenses associated with the sabbatical. 

Sabbatical leaves are not available to adjunct faculty. 

CIE receives funding for one one-semester sabbatical per year. Funds accumulate when no faculty apply for this option. Melissa Sprenkle and John Zachman have been approved for one-semester sabbaticals beginning in January. 

For more information on sabbaticals, see the CIE Handbook and the Faculty Association Collective Bargaining Agreement