Accessibility means more than ramps, braille, and sign language interpreters.
Making programs at NMC accessible to our students with disabilities can take many forms.
In this recurring piece we will explore a variety of strategies for accommodating students with disabilities in higher education. But first, technically speaking, what do we need to know about how accessibility relates to our work here at NMC?
Technically Speaking – Did you know…
- There are laws that protect students with disabilities (SWD) in higher education.
- The Americans with Disability Act and the Rehabilitation Act protect the Civil Rights of citizens with disabilities.
- Institutions like NMC are obligated to ensure all programs and material (electronic or face-to-face) are accessible to SWD.
- Failure to do so could result in a fine of $10,000 per day/per incident plus any damages determined by the Department of Justice.
- Specifically dealing with IT accessibility is Section 508 of the Rehabilitation act.
- Several institutions have been found non-compliant and are now paying fines and making changes.
- Here are links to two interesting cases:
- You (yep, YOU) present material that must comply with these laws.
- eLearning (Moodle).
- Movies/videos (even ones you link to).
- Online testing.
- Email attachments.
- Documents.
- And more.
And, did you know that you do not have to figure this out on your own?!
NMC is forming a task force to assess where we are in working towards our goal to become 508 compliant. Are you interested in joining NMC’s task force?
For more information and to suggest topics for future articles contact:
Leanne Baumeler
NMC Disability Support Services Specialist