- When? May 18 – 21, 2015.
- How to register? Email Tracy or Mark or just tell them in person.
The institute is based on instructor feedback requesting time to talk with their peers about good teaching and combined with lots of work time and resources to make it happen. Each day will consist of a 10-15 minute keynote by an NMC expert, followed by a variety of work sessions focused around instructor-requested topics. Participants will come away with:
- Foundational course planning documents
- Course activities aligned with best practices and outcomes
- Strategies for improving student access and engagement with their content
- Improved Moodle and other technology skills and techniques
- Many opportunities to learn from their peers about good teaching that works
That may sound too formal, but anyone who has attended one of the teachingSOLUTIONS boot camps will tell you that it is the relaxed atmosphere, the rich discussions among peers, and the ability to have an “un-conference” approach that results in everyone accomplishing more than they ever thought possible.