blogpostThe terms flipped classroom and competency-based education (CBE) are frequently used to describe strategies targeting the need for graduates having identified and acquired skills used in the work force. Interestingly, both terms refer to different fundamental paradigm shifts of learning regarding the student and instructor.

The flipped classroom approach changes the use of class time, moving lectures and one-directional communications to outside of class via technology, and uses class time for interactive approaches such as Socratic Discussions, Learning Labs, and other active learning approaches. CBE  ‘flips’ the use of learning outcomes, introducing them in the beginning of class to students related to the desired course competencies.

One NMC instructor, Jeff Straw, took the risk and ‘flipped’ his course to give his students their first experience in CBE. Jeff organized the course time to be used for students to follow a path of their own creation as they decided how best to master course competencies. Jeff was able to use his areas of expertise to answer specific student questions as they arose during meaningful interactions. I asked Jeff for permission to interview him and his students about his class after I noticed his excitement for teaching was clearly growing by leaps and bounds.

Your thoughts:  Did the students flip out when he introduced the concept?

Watch the short video below to find out what they had to say about it!