As we explore accessibility at NMC throughout the semester, we will throw out a challenge each month. Our challenges are designed to help you make small (but significant) changes and to help you set up good development practices to ensure that your course is accessible to all of our students at NMC. Our September challenge:

Make your syllabus accessible!

NMC has suggested that all courses use the grade book and have your syllabus available in your Moodle course. So what about your syllabus, is it accessible?

Check your document:

  •  Check is to open your document in Microsoft Word and use the built in checker.
    1. Go to the File tab.
    2. Under Info, Select Check for Issues.
    3. Select, Check Accessibility.
    4. Look to the right of your screen; you will find your inspection results and additional information and recommendations on how to fix your document.
  • Unplug your mouse!
    • Can you navigate the document just using the keyboard?
    • Are the tab stops in the right places?
    • If you use columns, tables, or text boxes, can you access the information like you need to just using the keyboard? Order is important here, imagine your computer is reading this information to you as you land on it, and you can’t see where to go next.
  • Remove your images.
    • Does the content make sense (is anything missing)?
    • Do you lose any important controls or direction?

Creating documents:

Read our tips on how to make an accessible document. Then make it your practice to create accessible course materials as you add to or update your course!

Complete the challenge:



How was your syllabus?  Comment below and tell us how you checked out, what changes you made, or what challenges you are having!