Oct 6, 2016
Fall is in the air and we are well into fall semester 2016. As of October 6th I have sent NMC faculty 318 Letters of Accommodation on behalf of students. Those emails are your official notification of the ADA required academic adjustments for the student mentioned. If...
Jun 22, 2016
In April I was awarded the NMC Foundation Innovation Grant. With those funds I purchased a campus-wide license for a text-to-speech literacy tool. ReadSpeaker, LLC offers several products that read text aloud, highlight as it reads, and even translates into different...
Apr 7, 2016
With commencement right around the corner, I starting thinking about the impact we make on all of the students heading out into the world. Could we be doing more to sensitize them to disability awareness and accessibility? As instructors and staff here at NMC, we have...
Feb 29, 2016
This week I was asked to write about disability services for our student veterans. At first I was stuck trying to think of how the process would be any different for this population. Then I realized that qualifying for disability-related accommodations is no different...
Feb 5, 2016
Auxiliary Aids and Services – for the many years I served K-12 students as an educational sign language interpreter, that’s how I was designated on the paperwork. Each Individualized Education Program (IEP) specified what services the student would receive to...