Feb 23, 2015
I just spent a week in sunny Las Vegas attending the annual ITC eLearning conference. The weather was a beautiful 70-75 degrees each day. I spent most of the days inside learning all I could to help those at our campus. The one topic that I heard in every session...
Sep 2, 2014
Across NMC’s many different classrooms and labs learning may appear differently, however General Education Outcomes are a common thread weaving our diverse community together. The following video showcases what happens when these shared outcomes go beyond...
Jul 3, 2014
I was recently sent to the Ohio State Reformatory to do hard-time attending the Ohio Moodlemoot in Mansfield, Ohio. Once in custody, we were all held prisoners for the two day conference in hopes that we would learn something new. The conference focused on how...
Jun 2, 2014
The Moodle developers are going to be focusing on making the Moodle Gradebook better and they need your help. The Moodle developers are asking for your feedback: If you could change just one thing about the Moodle Gradebook what would you change? What would you never...
Feb 10, 2014
This past fall semester, Tracy Russo and I had the pleasure of speaking with Kristy McDonald’s BUS231 students about their Service Learning Project. This video captures the students’ perspective about the project, and what it meant to them.