What’s on your desk, Dave Weaver?

What’s on your desk, Dave Weaver?

I have the good fortune of teaching a hybrid ENG220 Technical Writing course this term that meets Tuesday mornings in the Parsons-Stulen building. While there I bumped into Dave Weaver, who recently migrated his office to the Aero Park Campus from the University...
What’s on your desk, Dave Weaver?

What’s on your desk, Jim Bensley?

Jim Bensley is the Director of International Services and Service Learning at NMC and also serves as an adjunct Humanities instructor teaching Introduction to Humanities, World Cultures and a few other courses. Jim has been a staple at NMC since 1983 and has held a...
What’s on your desk, Dave Weaver?

What’s on your desk, Joelle Hannert?

For this week’s What’s on your desk? I walked up two whole flights of stairs to visit Joelle Hannert, one of our friendly librarians. Joelle has been at NMC since 2010 and she’s quite cool. In addition to being a fantastic librarian who is always...
What’s on your desk, Dave Weaver?

What’s on your desk, Jeff Morse?

I recently visited NMC’s Aero Park Laboratories (APL building) to talk with Carolyn Andrews about some upcoming Electric and HVAC program changes when I was lured into Jeff Morse’s office to look at some of his cool stuff. Jeff, a longtime ELE adjunct now...
What’s on your desk, Dave Weaver?

What’s on your desk, Grant McKay?

For the inaugural What’s on your desk? post I took a stroll over to the Biederman building to bother Grant McKay, a brand spanking new Nursing Instructor who occupies LB103A. Grant has actually been an Adjunct Instructor teaching clinical nursing courses for...