I recently returned from a conference where the biggest takeaway had to do with the thoughts from several Fortune 500 CEO’s. The topic had to do with engaging senior leadership in organizational design and idea flow but became more about establishing enthusiasm for what you do every day. Many PD topics deal with how to engage your students and after this conference session, along with some reflection on my own experiences, I realized the most engaging courses I have ever had were the ones with a really enthusiastic instructor. Think about the show ‘Dog Whisperer’ where people couldn’t figure out how to get their dog under control. The answer and topic of the show completely focused on training the owner, not the dog. Perhaps all of us should really consider why we teach the subject we do every day, what is the purpose of teaching this subject? What is the purpose of teaching at NMC? When we have a purpose we establish a passion. Passion can then flow into how we teach, the way we share our subject with our students, and draw them into a deeper understanding of why they are there. In this sharing of our own purpose with students, we can encourage them to find purpose in what they are doing and be better guides, mentors, advisors, and instructors. This is a subject which will take some time of self-reflection on each of our parts. It may very well bring in to question what you are really doing here in the first place. Hopefully, you will find that having the opportunity to bring enlightenment into the life of another is a passion of yours. Guiding others to discover their own purpose in life seems like a fitting purpose for choosing education as a career. If you choose to pursue this exploration, talk with others and make a pros and cons list. Most importantly, be completely honest with yourself.