Canvas Corner Volume 12: Importing a Past Canvas Shell into a New Section
Importing a past Canvas course into a new, blank shell is a task that, for most courses, will need to be completed at the start of each new semester. This process is similar to how it worked in Moodle, but Canvas offers additional, exciting features that make the import process smoother and help prepare the new course more quickly for deployment. Because of these features, many instructors may find it more beneficial to complete course imports themselves rather than submitting a Help Desk ticket to have the process handled on their behalf. Why is this? Understanding “how your course runs” allows you to tailor the course import in meaningful and efficient ways.
Importing from a previous shell is also quite simple. Navigate to the new, blank course shell, select “Import Existing Content” from the top-right menu, and then choose “Copy a Canvas Course” from the “Content Type” dropdown on the next page. From there, you can easily take advantage of Canvas’s features to streamline course preparation for the upcoming semester.
What are the standout features of the Canvas import function?
1. Content Selection:
In both Canvas and Moodle, you can choose to import either “All Content” or “Select Specific Content.” Most instructors select “All Content,” which brings over the entire course (excluding students and student submissions). However, if you choose “Select Specific Content,” you can pick and choose specific modules, assignments, quizzes, and other elements to include in the new course.
2. Quiz Version Conversion:
If you select “Import existing quizzes as New Quizzes” under “Options,” all Classic Quizzes will automatically convert to New Quizzes, and your Question Banks will be transformed into Item Banks. (Quiz types will be discussed further in a future Canvas Corner.)
3. Adjust Dates:
This is by far the most powerful feature in Canvas imports. With just a few clicks, you can adjust due dates based on the course’s start and end dates. You can also modify due dates to align with new meeting days. For example, if a course previously met on Mondays and Wednesdays but now meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you can shift all Wednesday due dates to Thursday. This feature allows you to prepare your course calendar for the new semester quickly and efficiently.
The NMC Ed Tech team is always happy to assist with course imports each semester. However, because we don’t have in-depth knowledge of every course, we may not be as well-equipped as instructors to make decisions during the import process. If you submit a Help Desk ticket for a course import, please include specific details such as the course start and end dates and any day-of-the-week adjustments needed.
Alternatively, with the guidance provided in this Canvas Corner, you may find it easier to handle the import process yourself.
Training Portal Links:
- Training Portal Home Page (First time? Click “Authorize” to enter)
- Sharing Content in Canvas (37 minutes – to enter, you must first authorize your Training Services account)
Relevant Knowledgebase Articles:
NMC Canvas Resources:
- Canvas Corner Playlist
- Moodle Minute Playlist
- Ed Tech Knowledgebase
- Growing with Canvas at Northwestern Michigan College (Instructor Training)
- Passport to Canvas (Student Training)