Devin Hill Head ShotCarpentry is one of the oldest trades around. People have been building since deciding they needed shelter from the elements. Devin Hill is a long time Carpentry Instructor here at NMC and teaches 3 courses every semester that deal with some aspect of the Carpentry Industry. This fall, his Intro Carpentry and Foundations and Framing classes met every Tuesday and Wednesday evening through October to complete an onsite building project. In cooperation with the Grand Traverse Conservancy District a brand new tool shed, equipped to carry the load of a “living roof”, was built by the students of NMC’s Carpentry class under the supervision of Instructor Devin Hill.

carpentry roofIt is little surprise that attendance at the evening classes were full, not only thanks to the wonderful weather, but also because Devin is a very passionate and knowledgeable instructor who greatly values the quality and experience his students get from each and every class. While his normal routine is to have students learning theory and doing book work in the first part of the semester, having the opportunity to do an onsite build was too good to pass up, so he just flipped the order of his usual instruction to accommodate this invaluable experience for his students.

If you want to take a look at the roof they created, it is at the GTCD off of Cass Road near the dam.