Helping bring down the cost of college by choosing free or low-cost textbooks is one way faculty can lighten the load for students and keep them on the path to a degree.  As the cost of textbooks has risen, students have coped by simply not purchasing them.  Having every student in your classes arrive the first day with free online access to all of your text materials levels the playing field and gives everyone (including faculty!) a fair chance for success.

This past semester, 38 NMC faculty taught one or more courses using OER–open educational resources.  NMC is leading the way among community and four-year colleges in Michigan.  If you would like to learn more about the open textbook movement and explore the possibilities for your courses, contact a member of NMC’s OER Squad.  We can help you with . . .

  • Free the textbookCopyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons licensing
  • Using a LibGuide as your text
  • Accessibility
  • Publishing platforms – Open Author / OER Commons
  • Searching OER Repositories
  • Using library and government materials (ebrary, databases, print) as textbooks

We will be here all summer and can help you have your free or low-cost textbook ready for fall.

Contact Tina for more info.

Note: Due to a schedule conflict, the Faculty OER Workshop on May 11 & 12 has been canceled.