You know you’ve got teaching ideas you’d like to try– we’ll provide the coffee and lunch as we learn about teaching with technology together. The NMC teachingSOLUTIONS professional development program will be offered again this Spring and Summer. The program is designed to help instructors more effectively use technology, specifically Moodle, in their teaching. Completion of the program and submitting a capstone project results in the NMC Online Teaching Certificate enabling instructors to teach online courses at NMC.
The redesigned and refreshed teachingSOLUTIONS program is scheduled for two delivery methods this summer with each taking approximately 30 – 35 hours to complete. We will hold a week long boot camp style session and a separate, your-paced, online version. Adjuncts completing the program and a capstone project are eligible for a $400 stipend.
Summer 2014 Details:
Kick-off Meeting for both groups: Monday, May 12th 9:00 – 9:30 AM
Boot Camp: Monday – Friday, May 12th – May 16th Small Alice Lab, Scholars Hall
- 9:00AM – 12:00PM – guided practice
- 1:00PM – 4:00PM – open lab for Q&A, DIY, grade book and learning outcomes help, etc.
- Includes Capstone and MOOC enrollment
Online: May 12th – August 1st Your-paced. Your place.
- Capstone project due by August 1st at 11:55 PM to be eligible to teach online, Fall 2014
- Includes MOOC Enrollment
The program covers the following topics:
Orientation: Welcome! Please review the course documents.
Online Presence: Personal branding including pictures and videos are a must in today’s digital world.
Feedback: Establishing a feedback system is crucial to student success.
Course Documents: Accessible course documents with clear criteria benefit both students and instructors.
Organization & Wayfinding: “Follow the yellow brick road” … “Must have got lost somewhere down the line.”
Teaching with Technology: Bling, functionality, guest speakers, flipped classroom… Use teaching with technology to add them all and more.
OTC Capstone: Display and describe the results from your journey through teachingSOLUTIONS.
Questions? Want to register? Contact Mark DeLonge or Tracy Russo