The Mark & Helen Osterlin Library is the loudest library I have ever worked.  This past week it has been even louder than usual.  Maybe it’s the early snow or lack of sunlight, but there is definitely a loud vibe going on in the NMC library.

We are a pretty lenient on rules in the library.  We allow drinks (non-alcoholic) and food (Jimmy John’s, Chinese, a crock pot once).  Quiet and quick cell phone calls are acceptable. The students constantly rearrange our furniture.  With little space on Campus to hang out, they come in groups or alone but all are welcome, even the noisy ones.

So back to the noise.  The noise is always a bit of a struggle.   We get complaints.  We shush. We have free earplugs. We have a quiet room.   We do our best to satisfy all the students and their different learning needs.   It seems over the last 9 years of working here, the library keeps getting louder and louder, but maybe that’s the way our current students feel comfortable learning.

Our latest thought is that maybe we shouldn’t fight against it.  Learning is a loud and sometimes messy affair.  When I think about the academic and non-academic lessons I’ve learned, they often weren’t easy and weren’t alone and they definitely weren’t quiet.  Learning can be a community event. For now, we’ll keep wrestling the various student needs but feel free to stop by during lunch and hang out and listen to the sounds of learning!