As we race through the busiest period of spring (“but it’s winter!”) semester, there is a lot to process to keep our heads on straight. Here are some Moodle and Panopto dates reminders for the coming weeks to help keep your head intact and life on track.
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 AT 9 AM: PANOPTO BASICS TRAINING: Panopto is available to faculty, staff, and (in a limited capacity) students and can be used to upload, create, edit, caption, store, and share videos. It is also fully integrated with Moodle. At 9 am on January 12, 2022, we are excited to welcome Jay Minster from Panopto (Add the training to your calendar) to take faculty and staff through the basics of Panopto’s services. This is a 45-minute training and will be recorded and made available to faculty and staff who cannot attend.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 FROM 10 AM – 5 PM: #RUMOODLEREADY: Ed Tech will be available in multiple formats to help with anything Moodle-related – from gradebook setup, the creation of META shells, course transfers, or help on developing content and instructional design. We will be in the Innovation Center room 123 most of the day, or you can join us via Zoom (click to add this event to your calendar). We hope to see you there!
THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 AT 2 PM: SPRING COURSES MADE VISIBLE TO STUDENTS: The semester begins the following day (Friday, January 14th), and students have already been notified that courses will be visible in their Moodle shells Thursday at 2 pm. If you are still preparing your course, please place a note to students at the top of the course page and hide sections you want to remain unavailable. NOTE: If you are teaching a late-start course, students will not have access this Thursday; late-start courses’ students will not be able to see their course in Moodle until five days before its official start date.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 21: SUMMER 2020 (2003) COURSES REMOVED FROM MOODLE: You can backup/download a Moodle course for your records or reach out to us to learn about options for saving older course content. Remember that we also store course files dating back a total of 6 years on a remote hard drive and those courses can be retrieved at any time via request.
TUESDAY, JANUARY 25 AT 9 AM: PANOPTO BEYOND THE BASICS TRAINING: Jay Minster from Panopto will rejoin us in late January (Add the training to your calendar) to take faculty and staff through some of the more advanced features of Panopto’s video services. This is another 45-minute training and will also be recorded and made available to faculty and staff who cannot attend.
MONDAYS & THURSDAYS AT 2 PM: PANOPTO W/ POST: CASUAL Q&A LEARNING SESSIONS: Starting at the end of January, Ben Post will be hosting casual, 1-on-1, Panopto introductory and Q&A sessions on Zoom. These office-hour-style sessions are the perfect place to bring your simple or complex questions about Panopto and get real-time answers from your local Panopto “expert” (gulp). Find these sessions on the Keep Teaching calendar or add them to your own calendar.
If you have any questions please contact Ben Post ( If you need support, please submit a help desk ticket.