Beginning May 5th, the Moodle homepage will be updated to be more functional and user-friendly, coinciding with the availability of summer semester Moodle shells.  After receiving both student and faculty feedback, the new format will take advantage of the My Home page with more personalized information displayed on the homepage.  A My Grades block will be available on the right-hand side of the homepage and My Courses (with the ability to hide courses) will now be displayed in the center column.  Class Cancellations and Updates will be displayed in the left column.


New Features:

My Grades:  This block will display your grades for all of your current courses.  Instructors will also see this block and are able to use the minimize or dock features to hide the block.

My Courses:  This information has been moved to the center column on the page.  The move to the center of the page provides more room for lengthy course names. This new block also features the instructor name listed below the course title and the ability to hide courses using the eyeball feature.  View the video above for more details.

Class Cancellations:  This block will provide students an up-to-date listing of courses that have been cancelled.

Update Area:  The block below Class Cancellations will be used to share updates on system maintenance, registration, upcoming events, etc.