Clipboard with checks and 'x'I have been teaching online economics classes for NMC from the time they started this format I think. I can remember using Blackboard as the course management software. In all these years I’m not sure there is a perfect way to present any class online, but I find that providing a structure with set deadlines, giving clear instructions (which is an art in itself), and giving frequent (preferably daily) feedback to students improves their attention and performance.

What I have found helpful:

  • Learn to use Moodle; continual upgrades and feature changes can be very frustrating.
  • The things that are important need to be continually reinforced.
  • Students need a way to demonstrate their knowledge on a regular basis (daily if possible).
  • Students should not be able to hide in an online course. They can’t sit in the back and bury their heads. But this also requires the instructor to deal with each student.individually.
  • Pay attention to your attrition rate; it may indicate a problem with the instructions and the structure.
  • Give students a way to ask questions and give you feedback.

I find that online classes are time and labor-intensive. I’m sure many instructors miss looking at a class full of students and doing their performance. It can be difficult to demonstrate your passion for your subject online. Don’t be afraid to shock and awe.

Just my humble opinion. Good luck!