Canvas is Coming

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New Online or Hybrid Course Development for Spring of 25

New Online or Hybrid Course Development for Spring of 25

Interested in developing a new online or hybrid course for the Spring of 2025? If so, please submit the Online/Hybrid Course Request Form to begin the process. There are limited spots available. Forms must be submitted by May 1st! After your chair approves the course...

Why was the A.I. a good dancer?

Why was the A.I. a good dancer?

Because it had great algorithm.  Want more bad A.I. jokes? Want to talk about the ways in which A.I. is impacting your instruction and/or the work you're seeing students produce? Want to play around with different A.I. tools like ChatGPT?  Join Terri...

Chat GPT-4 vs. Gemini Ultra (formerly Bard)

Chat GPT-4 vs. Gemini Ultra (formerly Bard)

The Ed Tech team, CIE, NMC Library, and Ali Thornton are working hard to keep NMC faculty and staff updated with the latest information and knowledge about Generative AI.  A colleague from Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno, Nevada shared a YouTube video...

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  the move to Canvas.