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Canvas Corner Volume 13: Copying Course Content into Other Courses
Last week, we explored how to import past courses into new Canvas shells. But what if you only need to move specific activities, quizzes, discussions, or modules into a different course? For example, let's say you're creating a course introduction quiz or an...

Training Course to Help You Excel at NMC!
February 2025 Quick Bytes Course Schedule To register via NEOED Learn, please follow these instructions: NeoEd Learn - Registering for Courses Instructions - for Quick Bytes All courses are offered at 3 pm via Zoom. Please ensure your camera is on during our session...

Canvas Corner Volume 12: Importing a Past Canvas Shell into a New Section
Importing a past Canvas course into a new, blank shell is a task that, for most courses, will need to be completed at the start of each new semester. This process is similar to how it worked in Moodle, but Canvas offers additional, exciting features that make the...

The Early Canvas Student Reviews Are In!
Northwestern Michigan College began its transition from Moodle to Canvas last fall, with 16 instructors and slightly more than 600 students participating in a pilot program that encompassed 34 courses administered through the Canvas learning platform. At the...