Sharing Showcase Facelift

Sharing Showcase Facelift

The new & improved Sharing Showcase is a collection of videos that feature faculty members discussing teaching activities and strategies. We recently updated this great resource by creating an Ensemble Portal to feature the contributions made by NMC faculty....
ePortfolios: An Emerging High-Impact Practice at NMC

ePortfolios: An Emerging High-Impact Practice at NMC

During the October NMC Conference, Constanza Hazelwood and I led a session titled “ePortfolio: An Emerging High-Impact Practice at NMC”. The Association of American Colleges & Universities recently added electronic portfolios to its list of High-Impact...
Developing a New Online or Hybrid Course?

Developing a New Online or Hybrid Course?

If you plan to create a new online or hybrid course to be delivered in the fall of 2020, please plan to have the Online Course Development Request Form submitted by November 1st. Instructors should complete the first section of the form and submit it to their academic...
New to Your Chrome Browser!

New to Your Chrome Browser!

You will notice 4 new icons added to your Chrome browser: These are some new tools for accessibility in reading, writing, math, and reading PDF files, available to NMC campus wide and based on your NMC Google login. They are Read&Write, Equatio, Screen Shot...
Get Smart: Two Free Online PD Opportunities

Get Smart: Two Free Online PD Opportunities

Yes, we can fly off to conferences, and yes, we have our in-house Fall Conference PD opportunity, but what if you just want to sit in your pajamas and learn online? You are in luck! Two opportunities are available. But, especially for the first one, you have to act...