Access to Everything

Access to Everything

I was privileged to receive some insight into the mind of young people last week. I have since had time to really think about and consider how many of us may categorize them. This insight is the fact that young people today have access to every bit of knowledge in the...
Long Night Against PROCRASTINATION is Back

Long Night Against PROCRASTINATION is Back

Do you remember how you felt about your favorite college professors–the one whose name you looked for when it came time to sign up for classes, the one whose teaching precipitated one of those sea changes in thinking that happen to college freshmen?  I’ve had...
Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater!

Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater!

On the heels of our Friday Forum on cheating, I discovered a student cheating on a test.  Right in front of me, not subtly, just looking over at another student’s test!   When students take exams, nothing is allowed on their desks.  They must spread out.  As I looked...
Student Technology Use and Adoption

Student Technology Use and Adoption

In relation to NMC students, what technology is important and what about technology is important? How do our students compare to national data? During fall semester 2016, we surveyed NMC students about their technology use and recently, national data was released by...
Emotional Appeals

Emotional Appeals

For the past week or so, my ENG 111 students have been coping with some problems I’ve set for them as they construct research posters for next week’s NMC student conference on Hunger and Homelessness Awareness. I’ve asked them to include a pathos image (one that...