Making it beautiful

Making it beautiful

My wife and I had the recent opportunity to be a part of a family event that usually brings people together. One of my nieces got married……a year ago but they decided to postpone the wedding party until this November. They live in Tucson, so we figured why...
The Parking (Learning?) Conundrum

The Parking (Learning?) Conundrum

It happens every year when the snow hits the parking lot. People forget how to park. Those of us that go to work every day generally park our cars in a parking lot 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year. We don’t seem to have any trouble getting our car parked between the...
Keeping Google Chrome Bookmarks Organized

Keeping Google Chrome Bookmarks Organized

      Bookmarks are a handy tool that are included in multiple browsers. The purpose of these marks is to make websites used frequently easy to access. Click on the  icon at the top right of the page. Move your cursor down to where “bookmarks” is listed to view your...
Full Rekognition

Full Rekognition

Three years ago, Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched Rekognition, a video scanning service designed to recognize key elements within a video frame. If IMDB ever helped you recall which actor starred in what movie, then think of Rekognition as the ultimate video search...
Conceivable Dreams – Part Three

Conceivable Dreams – Part Three

In the spring of 1955, Eugene made two life-changing decisions that would define his future. First, he decided to pursue his roommate’s girlfriend or recently made ex-girlfriend, and on February 14th he enlisted in the Navy, telling his mother, “I am no...