Read the Instructions

Read the Instructions

I got stuck in the middle of the road.  My truck refused to move forward on the icy surface.  It was frustrating in that I was pressing the accelerator, and the motor was not revving. To provide some information for reference.  I bought a new truck.  Not many people...
Isn’t Grackle a Bird?

Isn’t Grackle a Bird?

Since we’ve been talking about document structure and creating good materials, I want to introduce you to Grackle. No, not the bird. Grackle is a tool available to you for use with Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Grackle is an accessibility checker that will help you...
Wading Through the Maze of Help Options

Wading Through the Maze of Help Options

“Help!”  Not just a Beatles song or a screamed reaction to an imminent threat, finding help in today’s world of unlimited information is both incredibly easy (to search) and incredibly difficult (to select). Do we call the company? Search the Internet? Embark on a...
Using Google Calendars for Reminders

Using Google Calendars for Reminders

Google Calendars is a useful application to manage your activities for work and class. Not only is Google Calendars a good way to manage your time, it is also a good way to set reminders. These reminders can be used for payments, project due dates, weekly activities,...