HLC Faculty Forum

HLC Faculty Forum

The HLC peer reviewers will be on-campus Monday and Tuesday, March 11-12.  There is a Faculty Forum scheduled for Monday from 1:30 to 2:30 pm in the Scholars Hall Auditorium.  Two peer reviewers will want a chance to talk with you and to ask questions.  Only faculty...
2019 Winter Conference: Dr. Randy Bass

2019 Winter Conference: Dr. Randy Bass

Winter Conference was led this year by Georgetown University’s Dr. Randy Bass. Dr. Bass gave a talk in the morning entitled “Higher Education and the Future of Human Learning.” In his talk, he spoke of what education needs to look like as we move...
Experiential Education Academy Certifies NMC Staff & Faculty

Experiential Education Academy Certifies NMC Staff & Faculty

At last Monday’s Winter Conference guest speaker Dr. Randy Bass of Georgetown University facilitated discussion around high-impact experiential learning practice and the future of human learning in higher education. Over the next three days twenty NMC faculty and...

A Preview: Mandatory Online Learning Orientation

Beginning with registration for fall 2019, all students taking an online class for the first time at NMC will be required to complete an Online Learning Orientation (OLO). In addition, any student who has not been successful (2.0 or better) in a previous NMC online...
Exciting New Moodle Text Editor Feature!

Exciting New Moodle Text Editor Feature!

Coming to all faculty and students in 2019 is an exciting new feature we’ve recently installed on Moodle. It’s called MathType (coupled with ChemType) and it’s located within your text editor interface. MathType allows users to create math and...