LC@NMC Groups – Come One, Come All

LC@NMC Groups – Come One, Come All

Come one, come all!  We are excited to sponsor ten learning communities for you to join this academic year!  See the LC@NMC Descriptions and Sign-Up page to see which community might fit your interests.  Join your colleagues in collective inquiry and have fun while...
Summer Shorts

Summer Shorts

Summer Shorts are a series of SHORT videos on how to use different technology tools in your teaching.  The series has included videos on Google Docs, Ensemble video recording, etc. To watch any of the videos from the series, visit the Summer Shorts...

More NMC Seinfeld and Summer PD

The 3rd annual Course Development Institute will take place this May 22nd – May 26th.  This workshop style week is an opportunity for anyone to work on a new class or to refresh an old class.  The week will include a mini-lesson each morning followed by a work...
Seinfeld Does teachingSOLUTIONS

Seinfeld Does teachingSOLUTIONS

Beginning this May, there will be several PD opportunities for faculty sponsored by EMT and CIE.  The 7th annual NMC teachingSOLUTIONS program will hold a week-long boot camp style session and a separate, your-paced, online version beginning in May. Learn Moodle and...
Create a PLM for Your Class

Create a PLM for Your Class

It has been a long time coming, but the PLM site is ready for use.  And we are looking for faculty to create modules for their students. How it Works The goal of a PLM is to introduce and reinforce a concept or idea or meaning without detailed explanation -or “any”...