Canvas Corner Volume 13: Copying Course Content into Other Courses
Last week, we explored how to import past courses into new Canvas shells. But what if you only need to move specific activities, quizzes, discussions, or modules into a different course?
For example, let’s say you’re creating a course introduction quiz or an icebreaker activity that you want to use across multiple sections. Do you have to rebuild the activity in each course? Or complete a full course copy and then delete everything except the item(s) you need? Absolutely not!
In Canvas, copying individual items and modules between courses is not only easy—it’s (dare we say it?) kinda fun! Here’s how:
- After creating an activity or module in your course, click the three dots to the right of the item and select “Copy To…”
- A side panel will appear, allowing you to choose the destination course.
- If you’re copying a module, that’s all you need to do!
- If you’re copying an activity (quiz, discussion, assignment, or page), you’ll also have the option to select the module you want to place it in and even its position within the module.
- Once you’ve made your selections, click “Copy”—and that’s it! The item or module will be transferred. Depending on the file size, it may take a minute or two to appear in the other course.
Note: Not all module items can be copied individually. Text headers and external links (URLs) can only be copied when duplicating an entire module.
Training Portal Links:
- Training Portal Home Page (First time? Click “Authorize” to enter)
- Sharing Content in Canvas (37 minutes – to enter, you must first authorize your Training Services account)
Relevant Knowledgebase Articles:
NMC Canvas Resources:
- Canvas Corner Playlist
- Moodle Minute Playlist
- Ed Tech Knowledgebase
- Growing with Canvas at Northwestern Michigan College (Instructor Training)
- Passport to Canvas (Student Training)