One year ago, CIE was in the sad position of turning down conference travel requests. Our PD travel budget was spent by the end of fall semester, so faculty who hadn’t yet registered for spring and summer conferences were out of luck. Fortunately, we are beginning...
General Articles
Ceramics Adjunct Presents at Crooked Tree Arts Center
Ceramics adjunct instructor Brianne Munch is the featured speaker this Saturday, Jan. 25, for the Coffee @ 10 Artist Talk at the Crooked Tree Arts Center in T.C. In her lecture, Ceramics in Italy: Two Months at La Meridiana, Brianne will discuss her experience at the...
Teaching Tips for Last-Minute Prep
You’re busy, we know. But we hope you will take a few minutes away from your course prep for tips that will help you prep! First up, here’s an article from The Chronicle of Higher Education with tips for new teaching and ideas for old pros. You can create a free...
Seeking Faculty Recruits for A.I. Basic Training on Jan. 17
Chummy with Chat GPT? Curious about Claude? Still shy of A.I.? Whether you’re an A.I. superuser or a novice, CIE invites you to A.I. Basic Training on January 17 from 10-11:30 in Scholars Hall 206. This hands-on workshop is designed to help faculty become more...
Moodle & Canvas Kick-Off is Thursday, January 9th!
Are you interested in learning about Canvas? Do you need a META shell (or cross-listed course in Canvas) and help importing course content? Has the Moodle attendance activity gotten you confused (again)? Did you sign up to teach in Canvas this spring but are not sure...
January PD: Boosting student learning with authentic assessment and literacy support
Join us on Jan. 8 for an exciting professional development program featuring leading experts in the areas of authentic assessment and language-based literacy disabilities. Dr. Robert Talbert of GVSU will share strategies for shifting assessment practices...
Are you smarter than a first-year student using Chat GPT? Yes, but…
If you’ve been fretting that your students know more about AI than you do, worry no more. CIE has scheduled two hands-on workshops for early 2025 to bring you up to speed on AI basics. Regardless of your opinion on AI, it’s important to have an understanding of what...
NMC Philosophy Instructor Represents in California
Corey Sanderson, NMC Philosophy instructor, recently attended The American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California. This professional development opportunity was funded by CIE. Here’s what Corey had to say about...
What’s on your desk, Paul Martin?
Paul Martin is the Network Systems & Data Communication Analyst at NMC, a role he's had since 2011. His title hasn't changed in that time, but his job certainly has. Originally hired to be the Moodle server administrator and to maintain other servers for Systems...