“I have nothing to contribute.” This is a phrase that I have heard. Sometimes said out loud, other times mixed with comments in student groups like “What are we doing?” and “I didn’t read the lab.” I have found that everybody has something to contribute, and is good at something. The students need the reminder sometimes. My reminder to them usually comes after the first test, as I teach dual-enrollment, and for some it is their first college-level test. They do not do well. I tell them something along the lines that everybody is good at something. Then I share a shameful secret: I cannot ride a motorcycle. My hands and feet do not work together. I have tried. I bought a Hondamatic so I could ride a motorcycle without shifting. This will always get the students to begin explaining how a motorcycle works, and how easy it is. They have been riding for years, starting when they were in grade school. It is a boost of confidence when they know how to do something that I cannot. They do have something to contribute, but just need that little confidence boost. I am not sure if the Lions have the little boost of confidence they need right now, but I bet 7 more consecutive victories will heighten their confidence when they get to the playoffs.