Below you’ll find important Moodle dates to remember:

  • Moodle CalendarMonday, May 7th — Students populated in Summer 2018 (1803) courses. You’ll be able to see student lists in Moodle on this day. Students will not be able to see courses unless you turn a course on early.
  • Friday, May 11th — Summer 2018 (1803) courses turned on. The semester begins May 12th. We turn on courses one day early so students will be able to access course content. You can turn a course off if you’d like to postpone access.
  • Tuesday, May 15th — Spring 2018 (1802) courses turned off. We routinely turn courses off 10 days after the course end date. If you need a course left open, please submit a ticket.
  • Thursday, May 31st — Fall 2015 (1601) courses removed. We continually remove older Moodle courses to keep the Moodle server running optimally. You can backup/download a Moodle course on your own or reach out to us for help.

If you’ve been assigned to teach a course in the Summer or Fall of 2018, but the course doesn’t appear in your Moodle dashboard, check with your department manager to make sure you’ve been assigned to the course in the registration software.

If you have any questions about these upcoming dates, feel free to respond to this blog, give us a call or submit a ticket. We’re happy to help in any way we can.