Man rolling a rock up a hillYou know that one student as soon as you walk into the class. The one that is going to refuse to engage. The one that will do everything possible to resist ‘learning.’ The one that will even go so far as to appear a tad bit threatening to other students to ensure that other students will not approach, invite or encourage group work.

I have to admit that there were times that it may have have made it easier if he did not show up at all, as his presence added a sense of discontent or unease in the room not only for the other students but for me too.  But, he kept coming to class. And we kept chatting after class and during ‘group time’ which he refused to participate in. He pushed me about participating and I pushed back ever so slightly crossing my fingers that it wouldn’t backfire.

Fortunately I am lucky to be in close communication with another faculty person that also has this student and we often share notes on the progress of our mutual student. It amazes me that here we are close to end of the semester and this student is one of my best. He still is not engaging with others as much as I would like, but he is totally committed to his work. He is passionate about his ideas and, most importantly, proud of his accomplishments this semester.  This student stretched a great deal this semester and I am grateful for the lesson.