This year’s October Conference takes the best of last year’s FedEx day–the opportunity to focus all day on one project–and combines it with our previous way of doing October Conference–having a variety of sessions to choose from. We are excited about this better-than-ever approach and hope you are too.

Screenshot of padlet sign-up formHere is a link to the Padlet with all of the sessions listed. As you may recall, the green sessions listed first are open to anyone while the red sessions are limited just to a specific group. If you do not have a closed group to which you are obligated, take a look at the green sessions and see what looks best for you. Then sign up for the topic on which you would like to spend the day using the sign-up sheet at the end of the session description.

Remember, you will spend the whole day just on one topic–first doing some learning, then reflecting on how you can take that learning and apply it to your job, and then actually doing that application. See your calendar appointment for more details on the day. Questions? Reach out to Kristen any time! See you October 12th!