Sign up for Embrace the Dream Faculty Service Opportunities

Sign up for Embrace the Dream Faculty Service Opportunities

Read more to find links. Thank you for your participation in our Embrace the Dream Faculty Service event on Tuesday. We had a great turnout for the program and bountiful volunteers for the United Way project after lunch. Many hands can stuff a lot of book bags! ...
The Evolution of AI: ChatGTP

The Evolution of AI: ChatGTP

Days before the holiday break, my news and listserv feeds blew up with headlines about a new service from OpenAI called ChatGPT. If you are unfamiliar with OpenAI this New York Time article gives you some background information about ChatGPT. For those without access...
More tools from the Library Teaching and Learning Open House

More tools from the Library Teaching and Learning Open House

POLICY MAP. This is a teaser for all of you looking for ways to integrate data in an easy and meaningful way into your classroom activities and assignments. Check out the next issue of Owl Pellets for Three Ways to Use Policy Map from Nicco, coming to your inbox...
Dear Sherry: Sprucing Up for Spring

Dear Sherry: Sprucing Up for Spring

Dear Sherry: I made a New Year’s resolution to spruce up my course materials, but realized that I don’t know where to start. I would really like to learn and apply some basic principles of ADA to make sure that I’ve created the best materials I can. What should I do?...
Dear Sherry: Sprucing Up for Spring

Introducing a New CTL Newsletter Column: Dear Sherry

New to the CTL Newsletter in 2023 is Dear Sherry, a column where Instructional Technology Specialist Sherry Trier will field questions on educational technology, accessibility and course design. À la Dear Abby or Ask Ann Landers, Sherry will respect the anonymity of...