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Welcome to Spring 2024 – Ed Tech Tid(m)bits

Welcome to Spring 2024 – Ed Tech Tid(m)bits

As I write this, it's -10 windchill outside and I'm missing Tim Hortons coffee and Timbits. It's a shame TC doesn't have a Tim Hortons, the closest one is in Gaylord. Growing up downstate in metro Detroit, Tim Hortons started popping up in the 1990s and I latched onto...

What’s on your desk, Dave Weaver?

What’s on your desk, Dave Weaver?

I have the good fortune of teaching a hybrid ENG220 Technical Writing course this term that meets Tuesday mornings in the Parsons-Stulen building. While there I bumped into Dave Weaver, who recently migrated his office to the Aero Park Campus from the University...

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