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Faculty Share Experiences Teaching Anti-racism

Faculty Share Experiences Teaching Anti-racism

When sociology instructor Rachel Wilczewski introduced her Race and Ethnicity course last fall, she was a little apprehensive. She developed the course because it is a standard sociology offering at other institutions and the course transfers well. Moreover, it was...

Tips to make teaching easier with Quick Bytes!

Tips to make teaching easier with Quick Bytes!

Quick Bytes schedule for the next month... All About Google Forms - You can gather information, upload files, and add pictures to forms for your class, your clients, or your department and analyze it using Google Forms and Google Sheets.  Great for exit forms,...

Dear Sherry: Isn’t Jaws a Movie?

Dear Sherry: Isn’t Jaws a Movie?

Dear Sherry: I keep hearing about the Screen Readers Jaws and NVDA. Why would a movie need me to format a screen for it? I’m really confused. Can you help clear up confusion on what or how a Screen Reader reads and how the formatting makes a difference? Sincerely,...

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