Canvas is Coming

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AFIT Summer Institute 2024 Summary

AFIT Summer Institute 2024 Summary

The Alliance for Innovation & Transformation (AFIT) is an association of innovative higher education CEOs who are committed to transforming their organizations in the face of unprecedented challenges and change.  NMC has been a participating member of this...

InstructureCon 2024

InstructureCon 2024

This summer my colleagues Eric Carlson, Ben Post and I attended InstructureCon 2024 at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada. Instructure is the company that provides Canvas, NMC's recently adopted Learning Management System that will replace Moodle completely by...

Fall Moodle Dates for 2024

Fall Moodle Dates for 2024

With a (small) Canvas pilot set to begin this fall, and widespread Canvas adoption planned for 2025, it's a little sad to type in this space that this will be the final fall MOODLE important dates update. Alas, all things must pass (thank you, George Harrison)....

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  the move to Canvas.