Friday Forums

The first Friday in February, March, and April.

12:30 PM in TJNIC 104/105

February 21 and April 18

10:00 AM in the Library Reading Room

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Are You Ready for #RUMoodleReady?

Are You Ready for #RUMoodleReady?

If you're like us, you're probably juggling a million plates in the air right now as you prepare for the start of the fall term. It's a busy time, and we want you to know that Ed Tech's got your back! Because, #RUMoodleReady is just around the corner! Come join us and...

NMC Yellowdig Pilot: Stage 2

NMC Yellowdig Pilot: Stage 2

This Fall four NMC faculty members will participate in the second stage of a Yellowdig pilot program. Yellowdig is an academic social networking platform designed to "build active, social, and experiential learning communities for online, hybrid, and in-person...

Important Moodle Dates for Fall 2022

Important Moodle Dates for Fall 2022

Education Technology hopes everyone got a great recharge this summer and is ready to tackle the fall with the energy of a 7-year-old at a candy factory. Please make note of the following Moodle dates as we progress through August (this information is also posted in...

Moodle Minute(s) E11: Using Panopto in Moodle

Moodle Minute(s) E11: Using Panopto in Moodle

Moodle/Panopto Minute(s) are short, weekly tutorial videos that explore small-but-helpful Moodle (or Panopto) functions, settings, and activities designed to ease the workload of instructors. Each tutorial will explore an unfamiliar part of Moodle that can (hopefully)...

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  the move to Canvas.