As of Nov. 28, NMC has a new General Education Outcome (GEO). This outcome was researched, drafted, and piloted over the past few years and approved by Faculty Council, Curriculum Committee, Policy Council and President Nissley this fall. Faculty whose courses support this outcome are encouraged to discuss adding it to courses with their chairs as they review course outlines in the coming semester. The outcome, part of our General Education Outcomes policy (D-101.01) reads,


Social Responsibility:

Students will cultivate greater understanding of social complexity and cultural diversity to prepare them to contribute to social justice and/or environmental sustainability in regional, national, or global communities. 


This outcome reflects the tremendous work that NMC educators have been doing in our classrooms for decades. It gives students and the community around us a signal that the community college mission of transforming lives and enriching our community includes NMC students and the work they do inside and outside of the classroom toward a more just, equitable, and sustainable world.

The Fall 2024 semester will be the first time the outcome is included in the catalog and assessed as a GEO. A rubric has been piloted across several disciplines and is available upon request–contact Rachel WilczewskiMelissa Sprenkle, or Ryan Bernstein for more information.