A word a" "bout spring cleaning:

It’s that time of the year when fall semester is winding down and preparations are being made for spring. Please take time to consider a bit of spring cleaning in your Ensemble Video account.

If you will not be reusing your lecture capture videos from fall or previous semesters, please delete them. If you have a large amount to delete, feel free to put in a helpdesk ticket and we will assist you with cleaning the videos out of your library.

Being conscious of cleaning out unused or unneeded videos from your library is just good housekeeping practice and can help with maintaining and running the system smoothly and efficiently. Thank you!

Lecture Capture and Ensemble playlist Q&A:

I’m preparing for a new semester and would like to keep last semesters lectures, but I don’t want the next class to see them, what do I do?

  • Create a new playlist and add it to your course(s). Remember to remove the old playlist from the course.
  • If this is your only course or you use the same playlist for multiple courses/sections, remember to deselect the auto-publish setting on your old playlist and then select auto-publish for your new playlist.

I’m not reusing my videos, how do I delete them?

  • Delete your videos from your library by clicking the Delete button for each video.
  • Deleting allows you to reuse the same playlist, nothing further needs to be done.

What if I want to keep some and delete others?" "

  • With the ones you are keeping, decide if you are keeping them just as an archive, or do you want them accessible for the next semester students?
  • If you are keeping just for archive purposes: click the Publish button for each video and deselect from the playlist. The playlist can now be reused and these videos won’t show on it.

Note: If you are keeping a large amount of videos, it may be best to just create a new playlist and place the new playlist in your course.