Upon discovering that Swoop had joined numerous NMC faculty on their travels to professional development destinations across the country this year, Josh Shivley, NMC Aviation Instructor, generously offered to log a few flight hours for Swoop.

Faculty attending professional development opportunities using CIE funds were asked to take Swoop or the NMC flag with them for a photo opportunity. Upon returning to campus they were also asked to complete a short reflection. Perhaps you’ve seen a few of these posts in the newsletter: 

NMC Communications Instructor Represents in NOLA
NMC Philosophy Instructor Represents in California
Swoop & NMC Biology Faculty Represent in Wisconsin
The 2024 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference
The Teaching Professor Conference 2024
InstructureCon 2024

If you’re keeping track, Swoop (or the NMC flag) has been to California, Vegas, Arizona, Texas, Wisconsin, Florida, and twice to New Orleans this past academic year. More stops are planned. If you’re planning on traveling soon and would like to take Swoop with you, please reach out to me. Here’s Swoop’s map: