“The news is all biased. None of it can be trusted.”

“The news is all biased. None of it can be trusted.”

TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) – New research shows that the college classroom is a high-impact context for developing students’ attitudes, habits and literacy when it comes to engaging with news media, and that college faculty are uniquely positioned to...
Moodle News and Important Dates

Moodle News and Important Dates

As we prepare to welcome winter and race towards the conclusion of this unique fall semester, please make note of the following NMC-related Moodle news and calendar dates: NMC MOODLE NEWS: The Ed Tech team is excited to share the following Moodle updates/changes we...
2 Million Dollars Saved

2 Million Dollars Saved

As of Fall 2020, NMC instructors have saved our students an estimated $2,031,400 by switching to free, open, and low-cost textbooks. This achievement is thanks to the initiative and hard work of NMC’s many textbook heroes.  Looking ahead, the MCOOER open...
teachingSOLUTIONS Polar Express: You’re Invited!

teachingSOLUTIONS Polar Express: You’re Invited!

WHO: Any faculty member can participate. Faculty planning on teaching online during the spring term are required to complete the program. If you’ve already completed the program, you’re more than welcome to attend again to pick up new concepts or brush up...
National Distance Learning Week

National Distance Learning Week

I’ll be honest, I had no idea that this week is National Distance Learning Week until a colleague at another institution mentioned it in a meeting. Since March 12th, it feels like every week has been National Distance Learning Week so this official designation...