Paperless Grading

Paperless Grading

Moodle attendance feature. I do not use the attendance feature to take attendance, I use it to grade my students’ Prepare Activities. In Moodle, the instructor can set up the attendance feature however she wants. I have it set up with a 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 scale. I set...

The Students I’m Thankful For

I’m thankful for the students who are on-time and have all their work done, every time, because I can depend on them to help move a discussion along. I’m thankful for the students who are late and don’t have their work done, because at least they are making the effort...
Stoking the Pipeline

Stoking the Pipeline

There are certain disciplines I have encountered on my life journey that have proved invaluable in framing challenges far outside the scope of their fields. Economics was one, with its emphasis on modeling interconnected systems using statistics and calculus in an...
Accessibility Lunch and Learn Sessions

Accessibility Lunch and Learn Sessions

Mark your calendars and join us for some upcoming Lunch and Learn sessions focusing on the how to’s of making your online course materials accessible to all your students. All sessions will be held in Osterlin 113, Noon-1:00pm:   October 13 – Moodle...
Changing the Mindset

Changing the Mindset

Have you ever felt like why do I need to know all of that?  This very thing happened to me this weekend while I was working on an assignment for my class at Ferris State University. It made me think about all of the classes I have had in the past. I thought about...