Mar 10, 2017
I recently attended the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference. Below are some different links to information and resources I picked up through sessions I attended. is a resource through California State University for OER textbooks. Check out the “Course...
Jan 20, 2017
Many of you attended the Professional Development day session in October and heard from some of our veterans about their experiences in the military and adapting to college life. Building on that knowledge I wanted to bring awareness to another battle they may be...
Nov 14, 2016
You’ve probably heard us talking a lot about Headings and creating structure in your documents and how important that is. Not only are headings great design practice, they can help in removing potential navigational barriers for students. It’s a great step in...
Nov 7, 2016
In a previous article, I talked about the importance of properly formatting documents and where to start. For this article, I want to apply that same knowledge from Word to PowerPoint. Tools used for formatting in one program can often times be found in others. In...
Oct 31, 2016
Before you work on your next document, take a moment and meet Paragraph and the tools it offers to help make things easier for you. No more using the spacebar for formatting! Bullets – Create a list of non-sequential items. Numbering – Create a list of sequential...