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Teaching Narrative: Learning to Lead, Follow, Listen, & Reflect
How do I teach (lead) and inspire the leadership potential and academic engagement in my students? How do I create an environment where my students can share their past and their stories? How can I help them reflect on those experiences, putting them on paper? ...
The New Instructor (A Halloween Story)
“The job’s yours if you…well, if want it. Do you want it?” James Keane asked. Keane was the head of Northwestern Michigan College’s Communications department. “Yes!” I said, not pausing to consider his odd tone as I accepted my first teaching job in higher ed....
You’re Invited! 4x4x16 Writing Challenge
This is year 7 of the Writing Challenge! And in honor of the "Be What's Possible" campaign, we would love for you to "Write What's Possible!" Each year the writing challenge has grown and this year we would love to have a record-setting number of people...
Sharing Showcase Facelift
The new & improved Sharing Showcase is a collection of videos that feature faculty members discussing teaching activities and strategies. We recently updated this great resource by creating an Ensemble Portal to feature the contributions made by NMC faculty....