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#RUMoodleReady? for Fall is Wednesday, August 21!

#RUMoodleReady? for Fall is Wednesday, August 21!

Are you concerned you won't be ready for the start of fall semester? Do you need a META shell or help importing course content? Has the Moodle attendance activity gotten you confused (again)? Do you have questions about Canvas (available to all for the spring 2025...

The Teaching Professor Conference 2024

The Teaching Professor Conference 2024

Nicole Speelman and Janet Lively recently attended The Teaching Professor Conference in New Orleans. Here's what they had to say about the event:  When and where did the event take place?  June 7-9, 2024, New Orleans Please share details from a memorable...

AFIT Summer Institute 2024 Summary

AFIT Summer Institute 2024 Summary

The Alliance for Innovation & Transformation (AFIT) is an association of innovative higher education CEOs who are committed to transforming their organizations in the face of unprecedented challenges and change.  NMC has been a participating member of this...

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