Oct 30, 2019
In my last article I talked about trying to find an office in a 3-story building with no directory. Today you enter the building and it has a directory, but you are still lost. You see the directory, but it goes something like this: Floor 1 – Office 1, Office 2,...
Oct 30, 2019
Our ENG111 textbook addresses Scientific Methods within the Narrative chapters. As most of our students are not intending on studying English as a major/minor, I’ve found a need to take some time and address this narrative practice and its applications for our...
Oct 29, 2019
When I listen to my 4-year-old discuss his friends from school, I can’t help but think about the influence they wield over each other. We don’t often consider just how impactful the people we surround ourselves are on our lives, nor how those friendships...
Oct 28, 2019
[slideshow_deploy id=’15278’] Thank you once again to the entire NMC community for another great day of learning with and from each other at the 2019 October Conference–it was such fun! 59 different colleagues presented 43 great sessions, and...
Oct 25, 2019
A few years ago, I was teaching a summer class when we did a lock down safety drill. I was forewarned that the lock down would occur and instructed to turn off lights, lock the door, pull down shades, and have students put away all electronics when the signal was...